History & Themes in LA TRAVIATA
Dive into some of the history and themes of La traviata and understand how the story can still be relevant today.
A Heroine Named Rose
Learn about Rose Alphonsine Plessis, the real-life inspiration for Violetta Valéry, and explore the heroine at the center of this story.

La traviata in the Time of COVID-19
This article addresses how we, when watching La traviata in 2021, might feel an extra sense of connection to this 168-year-old story.
A 20th Century La traviata
Learn why director Paul Curran's production sets the opera the 1950s and understand a bit about what life was like back then.

Dedicated funding for the Sounds of Learning Dress Rehearsal Program has been provided by The William Penn Foundation, Hamilton Family Charitable Trust, Eugene Garfield Foundation, Wells Fargo, Universal Health Services, Hirsig Family Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation, The McLean Contributionship, and Mr. William A. Loeb